Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Amy Butler (Wonder Woman) body slams over at ARES...

Oh this is getting good!

Amy (aka Wonder Woman) just stuck a fork in the conversation this morning.  Just to remind everyone, Sweetman posted this comment to her latest post...
Nothing confirms that the program is going tickety-boo like the second big management shake-up in seven months, bringing in a new deputy with no ties to Aeronautics, Fort Worth, Navair or USAF.
Hmm.  Rather bitchy on his part but still tame in my world.

Wonder Woman wasn't having it though and she laid the verbal smack down to Sweetman with this comment!
Clearly LM has chosen its leaders for this phase of JSF -- and potentially for the future of the company. Not sure it is the job of a journalist to spin this ...
One interesting point is to bring in some talent outside Aero may just be what was needed. Keep the sector bathwater drinking low may have been a goal. At any rate, in the past year or so, Dan Crowley is out, Lawson is in and the deputies have shifted. Burbage is still the anchor for the international program. Last year, the criticism was there was no leadership change at LM after Heinz was dismissed -- now the criticism is that there is a leadership change. Seems the spin is fickle at times. Either way -- this blog is intended to simply document the change.
Like I said, this is getting good. 

Amy verbally grabbed him by the throat, picked him up off the ground, told him to shut the fuck up and then body slammed him.


Don't get up Bill.  Stay down!