Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aviation Week tries to play nice. Amy (Wonder Woman) saves the day...again!

I once asked on the boards over at Aviation Week's blog Ares...how come you guys never report the good news on the F-35 program?

I was told (and I'm paraphrasing here) that we don't report the routine...only the important.

Well looks like the 'editorial' stance has changed.  Wonder Woman (also known as Amy Butler) has two stories out on it today...

Check the stories out here and here.

This is tooo sweet.  I would love to be a fly on the wall for those meetings!  Lockheed Martin still should MAN UP AND CANCEL THEIR ADVERTISING....Ares declared war.  Ares drew first blood.  Time for Lockheed Martin to strike back!


Sweetman's not happy.  This is a comment that he left on Wonder Woman's story about staff changes..
Nothing confirms that the program is going tickety-boo like the second big management shake-up in seven months, bringing in a new deputy with no ties to Aeronautics, Fort Worth, Navair or USAF.
Oh and if you're like me and have no idea what "tickety-boo" means then have no fear.  The definition is here...

Told ya he wasn't happy!