Friday, June 03, 2011

Battalion Landing Team 3/1 participate in Mechanized Raid Course.

All photos by Photo by Lance Cpl. Ryan Carpenter
Marines and sailors serving with Lima Company, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, engage enemy combatants during a mechanized raid course here May 17. The course helps Marines and sailors become familiar with the tactics and gear that will be used in the unit’s upcoming deployment.

Pfc. Kevin E. Messer, a rifleman with 2nd platoon, Lima Company, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, yells for Marines to board an amphibious assault vehicle during a mechanized raid course here May 17. The course helps Marines and sailors become familiar with the tactics and the gear that will be used in the unit’s upcoming deployment.

Marines and sailors serving with 2nd platoon, Lima Company, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, cross a road concealed by smoke during a mechanized raid course here May 17. The course helps Marines and sailors become familiar with the tactics and the gear that will be used during the unit’s upcoming deployment.

Marines and sailors serving with 2nd platoon, Lima Company, Battalion Landing Team 3/1, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, cross a road concealed by smoke during a mechanized raid course here May 17. The course helps Marines and sailors become familiar with the tactics and the gear that will be used during the unit’s upcoming deployment.