Friday, June 10, 2011

EFV will come back...

This story by Fabey illustrates a private thought that I've had and one that is being confirmed by HQ Marine Corps.

The EFV will be stripped of it complex drive system will be fitted with current but high tech jet pumps for its amphibious mission and will come online stripped down, and renamed the Amphibious Combat Vehicle.

The whole story is worth a read but this caught the eye...
Traditionally, an AOA of this type would take about 18 months, Flynn said June 9 at an event in Washington sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
“We’re trying to get to six to nine months,” Flynn says, adding that he hoped the aggressive schedule would “energize the acquisition process” for the vehicle.
A speedy acquisition process isn't how things are usually done and points to a single sourced program.  Another tidbit that caught my attention is that the Congressional delegation has suddenly stopped it protests and holding up of the Defense budget.

All this points to General Dynamics winning the project through a sole sourced program probably to be announced either late this year or early next.

BAE fans shouldn't be too depressed though.  If I was a betting man then I'd lay every cent in my pocket that they'll win the upgrade contract...which leads to the wildcard in this whole thing.  If BAE is able to design an attractive enough upgrade package then it could essentially make the expense of a new EFV/ACV moot.  The AAV could theoretically continue in service --- just with new built vehicles.