Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mid Rats.

Want to hear what military bloggers have to say about the mess that is NATO?  Listen to Blog Talk radio.


What a disappointment!  Little talk about NATO...and when it was covered the 'guest' sounded like an apologist for Russia.

When does the US ever get someone to ever speak up for our own interests?  This 'guest' also talked in glowing terms about NATO and stated that they need to aim for small wars!  If Libya isn't a small war then what the fuck is!

Even more of a kick in the nuts is the fact that the hosts didn't sufficiently challenge this guys assertions.  To be honest I felt like I was listening to a college lecture.  No debate, just opinion.  And liberal opinion at that.

What a complete 180 degree difference from the hosts writing. 

Never again will I invest an hour listening.  Never again.