Monday, June 20, 2011

Top Ten Failed States.

via IO9.

What are the top ten failed states of the past year?

Every year, Foreign Policy magazine and the Fund for Peace do a survey of "failed states," nations whose citizens they judge to be in the most dire circumstances in the world — largely because of government mismanagement and outright abuse.
The methods they use to pick the failed states is fascinating, though the biggest state fails may not surprise you.
Here are the states who ranked the highest in the Failed States Index, with their scores:
1 Somalia 113.4
2 Chad 110.3
3 Sudan 108.7
4 Dem. Rep. of Congo 108.2
5 Haiti 108.0
6 Zimbabwe 107.9
7 Afghanistan 107.5
8 Central African Republic 105.0
9 Iraq 104.8
10 Ivory Coast 102.8
Guess what boys and girls.  The US has been nation building in....Haiti...Afghanistan...Iraq.  We've been sending aid like a parent sends money to a spoiled college attending alcoholic male to...Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Zimbabwe, SUdan, Chad, Somalia and Congo.

Long story short.  Nation building doesn't work.  

Which means that counter insurgency hasn't worked.

Which means that we're wasting tax money.

Which means that we aren't affecting the lives of people that we're supposedly trying to help.

Which means that we're wasting our time.

Its time to nation build in the US...AMERICA FIRST.