Sunday, June 19, 2011

UK's Ministry of Defense is in for a rough ride.

When you have "main stream" military bloggers echoing whats been said on SNAFU! then you can only come to one realization.

We were right.

The next realization when it comes to the UK's Ministry of Defense is this.  You boys are about to have a very rough ride.

Read CDR Salamander's post here (Welcome back CDR...I thought for a minute that you had gone over to the dark side.  Nice to see you fighting on the side of truth, justice and the American way again!).

The point is...

On this side of the Atlantic....

With military bloggers that are well connected...

The UK's defense cuts are being seen as foolish....irresponsible....dangerous.

That's not the way a world power wants to be viewed.  

By either friends....or enemies.