Sunday, June 12, 2011

USMC Sea Basing Docs.

The USMC Sea Basing Site is back up...but unfortunately its been scaled back to obscene proportions.  What drove this is beyond me but they did put up 3 new documents.  A Why, How and What in regards to the Sea Base.

What is Seabasing

Why We Seabase

How We Seabase

The beauty of the Sea Base is that it codifies the turn toward the Pacific and away from Europe/Middle East.  The bad thing about the Sea Base is that its still being promoted to allies that bring nothing to the table and will allow those same 'allies' to continue to sit on the sidelines with token this instance Naval Forces...while the US and its real partners will be engaging in real work---be it humanitarian assistance (Remember the Japanese Nuclear Crisis?  Who didn't you see there?  Many European countries!) to peace keeping and of course war.

USMC Seabasing Website.