Saturday, July 09, 2011

75th Ranger Regiment Combat Jumps.

Did you know that the Rangers have conducted several combat jumps during the war on terror?  I had in passing seen gold stars on jump wings and figured they were at Tora Bora. 

Ok, awesome. 

I get that.

What I didn't know is that they had conducted several other "listed" jumps in addition. 

via the Ranger website.

Special Combat recognitions (Combat Jump Operations)

* Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Tm 3 conducts combat military freefall parachute drop onto Wrath Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan on 10 November, 2001. In order to establish a Flight Landing Strip for follow on combat operations.

* Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Tm 3 conducts combat static line parachute drop onto Shiloh Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan on 21 November, 2001.  In order to establish a flight Landing Strip for follow on combat operations.

* Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment Tm 3 conducts combat military freefall parachute drop onto Tillman Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan in July, 2004 in order to emplace tactical equipment.

*Regimental Reconnaissance Company Tm 1 conducts combat military freefall parachute drop with tandem passenger in Afghanistan on 11 July, 2009 in order to emplace tactical equipment.

Like I said previously.  These are the acknowledged combat jumps.  The after action of these wars is going to make for some fantastic reading.  Its going to be interesting to see the modifications to uniforms that are going to come once this stuff comes in out of the dark.