Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another apologist post on female SOF.

Kit-Up has an article about the politically correct head Admiral Olson saying that he'd like to see female SEALs.
“I don’t think the idea is to select G.I. Jane and put her through SEAL training, but there are a number of things that a man and a woman can do together that two guys can’t,” the Admiral told Forum attendees. “…it’s much more important what they’re made of and whether or not they have the courage and the intellectual agility…”
You may remember Kit Up! discussed something along these lines a couple of months back. CSTs and the FETs that preceded them have received a lot of attention and have been successful. They’re not a new idea, as the Marines of the Lioness Program can attest.
Let us try to preempt some of the inevitable outcry. No one is saying females must equal male counterparts in every way, and this is an important distinction: the use of females in SOF capacity is, frankly, a force multiplier.


Say it out loud and tell all the guys who washed out of SEAL training that a female that couldn't meet the standards deserves to be on the teams while they went through pure dee hell and aren't qualified because they don't have breasts and ovaries.

This kind of thinking makes me sick.

Force multiplier my ass.

The whole outfit over at must be smoking industrial strength crack.

Politically correct bastards!


You can tell what this is really about.  Its about a push to open up the Infantry to females.  If they're in SEALs then you can bet they'll be pushing them to be in Rifle companies.  We're facing bad times.  Standards will suffer and if you can't admit that then you're not being honest.