Friday, July 01, 2011

Marine Special Ops. A capability the Marine Corps can't afford and the nation doesn't need.

Currently the number of MarSoc Marines stands at about 1,000 — drawing mostly from the Force Recon community but also from some high-speed infantry guys and other intel-centric MOSs. Hejlik said he sees the force growing to about 5,000, or about as many SEALs in the Navy.
and this...
The general also said he envisions the Corps establishing a separate air wing to support MarSoc missions — a controversial gap when the units were established back in 2006. But he admitted that given current budget realities, it’s going to “take some time” for the service to eek out the cash to buy planes for the Leatherneck snake-eaters.
I mean seriously.

What the fuck is the General thinking?

The idea that the Marine Corps could possibly drop down to an end strength of 150, 000 to a high of 175,000 Marines and then allocate up to 5,000 Marines for Special Operations is crazy.  If you add in aircraft like the General is talking about then you have a Marine Special Forces Expeditionary Brigade sized unit.

That's insane.

No knock on Marine Special Ops but what mission are they doing that isn't already accomplished by Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces, Army Rangers or the tier one units Delta or SEAL Team 6?

Rummy forced the Marine Corps into Special Ops.  It was mistake then and its a mistake now.  The Marine Corps can't afford the loss of talent or the disruptions this brings to the Infantry MOS.

On a side note, while the bean counters are out looking to slash the military in general, I'd love for someone to do a cost benefit analysis of Special Operations forces.  With a force of over 50,000 people in SOCOM, is it really the size that the nation wants and needs or should it be down sized.