Monday, July 04, 2011

Riverine Forces. You're doing it wrong.

Thanks to Resboiu, Maryus315, Jonathan and TLAM Strike.  Everyone seems to be a fan of the Romanian approach to riverine operations and I can see why...check these photos out from the RomaniaForum..

Lets compare notes...US Navy Riverine is below...

What exactly is the mission of the Riverine Forces again?  This from Wikipedia...

The Riverine Squadrons of the United States Navy are elements of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC). According to the Navy: “The Navy’s Riverine force focuses on conducting Maritime Security Operations and Theater Security Cooperation in a riverine area of operations or other suitable area. The force is capable of combating enemy riverine forces by applying fires directly, or by coordinating supporting fires. It will share battle space with the other Services in an effort to close the seams in Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.”[1]
Lets break it down...
"Capable of battling enemy riverine forces"
Not bloody likely.  At least not as they're currently configured.  A quick glance reveals that potential enemy nations are using PT (Patrol Torpedo) type boats to conduct this mission....Fast Attack Craft if you want the modern designation.  Not only will these type boats out range US Riverine boats in weapons range but they'll also be as fast (in most cases).  If you're relying on the "coordinating supporting fires" part of the mission statement to get past this hurdle then you're whistling past the grave yard.  Gone are the days of the Sea Wolves.  The US Navy does not have dedicated attack helos anymore and even if they did I wonder how long it would take for help to arrive in a meeting engagement.

A Special Ops bias in weapons fit and equipment fit.
I totally get why SEAL Delivery Teams have selected their boats and their weapons fit.  The need to extract SEAL Teams in contact require the ability to put out a tremendous amount of firepower.  The need to rapidly arrive at a desired location and to leave at high speed makes sense.

It doesn't for a force that is operating in a certain area, interdicting enemy supply routes, smuggling etc.  The idea that Riverine Forces will conduct limited missions ashore is a mystery too.

Wrong mission, wrong equipment fit.
There has been one complaint waged against the big Navy that seems more and more valid.  They're so concerned with blue water operations that riverine and green water ops have suffered.  The war on terror should have been the excuse necessary to make the change.  What have they done instead?  The label a Frigate sized warship as a littoral combat vessel and ignore history.  The LCS concept would make sense if it was uparmed and called a Frigate instead.  The big Navy needs Frigates.

What the big Navy also needs is a blast from the past.  Patrol Boats.  Real deal littoral combat vessels.  You remember the type.  The type that John F. Kennedy rode into battle.  The kind that were taking on destroyers with success.  The kind that harassed the Japanese during WW2.  Thats what the Navy needs in the 21st century.

Want a kick in the guts?

The CB90 is about the right size for a Patrol Boat.  Its seriously under armed historically but size and speed wise it fits the bill.  I wouldn't look for Riverine to make the common sense move to larger platforms though.  It seems that the command has SEAL Team Delivery light on the brain.