First we have a Marine UH-1Y going down in Southern California, now we have this from Afghanistan...
ISAF Joint Command- Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
KABUL, Afghanistan (July 7, 2011) - An International Security Assistance Force helicopter made a forced landing in Parwan province today.
There were no injuries and the crew has been recovered.
cause of the incident is currently under investigation; however,
initial reporting indicates there was no enemy activity in the area at
the time.
ISAF doesn't say what country the helicopter is from but Parwan province falls under Regional Command East with these units currently operating there...
Contributing Nations
NATO Nations: Czech Republic, France, Poland, Turkey, U.S.
Non NATO Nations: New Zealand, Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates
Major Units Assigned
• 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division (Task Force Duke)-
Task Force Duke in partnership with GIRoA and partnered organizations,
conducts population-centric counterinsurgency (COIN) operations, with
the focus on key terrain districts in Paktiya and Khost provinces to
neutralize the insurgency, protect the Afghan people, increase the
competence, capacity, and credibility of Afghan National Security Forces
and Afghan provincial and district governments.
• 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Task Force Currahee) -TF
Currahee, as a combined and unified team with Afghan National Security
Forces, interagency, and multinational organizations, conducts COIN
operations in Paktika province to neutralize the insurgency and increase
the competency, capacity, and credibility of Afghan institutions to set
the security and stability conditions to begin transition to GIRoA.
• 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division (Task Force Bronco)-
Task Force Bronco conducts COIN operations by, with, and through ANSF,
GIRoA, DOS, and interagency organizations to defeat insurgents in order
to secure the population and promote/legitimize Provincial and District
Governments within Nangahar, Nuristan, Konar and Laghman provinces. 1st
Brigade Combat Team conducts operations along the three lines of
operation (security, governance, and development) in order to protect
and secure the population and assist GIRoA to extend its authority
through competent governance, infrastructure development and improved
• 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Task Force Patriot)
-TF Patriot conducts population centric Counter-Insurgency operations
in AO PATRIOT [Logar and Wardak] to build ANSF capacity, and enhance the
control and effectiveness of provincial governments to expand local
community capacity and create a stable environment for transition of AOR
to GIRoA, and to defeat insurgents.
• 10th Combat Aviation Brigade (Task Force Falcon)
- As part of a combined team, TF Falcon (10 MTN) conducts full spectrum
aviation operations across RC(E) in support of CJTF-101’s population
centric counterinsurgency campaign in order to enable regional security,
neutralize the insurgency, facilitate economic growth, and assist in
the transition of governance responsibilities to the legitimate
Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA)
• Task Force La Fayette
- TF La Fayette includes Kapisa Province and Sarobi district. The
French 9th Marine Light Armoured Brigade assigned to TF La Fayette (3rd
mandate) since October 2010 conducts counter-insurgency operations by,
with and through Afghan national securities forces. It conducts its
action along the three lines of operations (security, governance, and
development) in order to protect and secure the population and assist
the governement of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) to extend its
authority through competent governance, infrastructure development and
security improvement.
• TF Maverick (HHBn, 1st Cavalry Division)-
As a unified team of joint, interagency and multinational members,
TF Maverick provides force protection, communication, sustainment and
operational support to HQs CJTF 101 to facilitate effective command and
control of RC(E).
• TF White Eagle VIII -TF
White Eagle conducts counterinsurgency operations and unified actions
focusing on key terrain districts in Ghazni in order to increase
security, development, local governance competency and legitimacy; while
neutralizing the insurgency.
• 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Task Force Wolverine)
• 519th Military Intelligence Battalion (Task Force Thunder)
• 101st Sustainment Brigade (Task Force Lifeliner/Provider)
• 176th Engineer Brigade (Task Force Hammer)
• Movement Control Battalion (Task Force Black Sheep)
• 95th Military Police Battalion (Task Force Sheriff)
If I'm not mistaken, the US Army is providing aviation support to the "contributing nations" in this sector so its probably a US helicopter that went down.