Ok SgtMajor.
Its beyond time you stuck your head up out of your foxhole and fix this shit.
Lamonthe has an article up with the same stupidity....one of your Marines asking a celebrity out on a date.
I repeat.
We are suppose to have an elite organization here but this crap is going on.
I don't see vids of the Rangers doing this crap.
I don't see vids of the 82nd doing this crap.
I don't see vids of the 101st, 10th Mountain, 25th Infantry, Sailors or even Coast Guardsmen doing this shit.
Only US Marines are getting caught up in this mess.
Pace might have allowed this to go on...but would Conway? How about Gray? How about Krulak? I bet there are some former Commandants and SgtMajor's of the Marine Corps that are privately going ape at the sight of this.