Saturday, August 06, 2011

Once is an incident. Twice is pattern. Three times is concerted enemy activity.

Bad news from Afghanistan.  This from the morning ISAF Brief.
Helicopter Crashes in Eastern Afghanistan; Recovery Underway

ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release

KABUL, Afghanistan (Aug. 6, 2011) – An International Security Assistance Force helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan today, and recovery operations are underway.

ISAF is still in the process of assessing the circumstances to determine the facts of the incident, reporting indicates there was enemy activity in the area.

Additional details will be released as appropriate.
My eyes flashed straight to the enemy activity in the area.

Of course they're not telling us everything but I just can't see our guys flying into RPG ambushes.  Maybe I'm being a homer but the main aviation unit in eastern Afghanistan---the 10th Aviation Combat Brigade---is no stranger to the area and has alot of experience operating there.

I don't expect ISAF to provide much more than they already have but I do wonder if we're not seeing anti-air missiles on a large scale being introduced into this conflict.  It would make sense with so many disappearing with the mess in Libya...the confusion in Egypt and the troubles with Iran.