Sunday, August 07, 2011

Operation Iron Snare. Deadbeats get got.


Ya know, the big guy with the bullet proof vest on under his t-shirt should have been a clue that something was going on.


  1. Yeah, they have some real geniuses running that whole child support collection gig.

    Guy doesn't make enough to pay child support for multiple children so they jail him. Guy loses job and can't pay child support.

    I also heard about the one where they take away your ability to drive for not being able to pay child support. Guy loses job and can't pay child support.

    At least they get to show the public how tough they are - geniuses.

  2. ya know what Drake1.

    you're exactly right. the entire system has been corrupted to the point of down right unfairness.

    i won't hit your points again but in this economy to arrest someone because they don't have money to pay is a crime itself.

    i don't quite get it but i can guarantee that the Sheriff must be up for re-election cause he's trying to show that he's a real law and order type.

    on a much bigger issue, its just another case of guys getting screwed by laws favoring women.


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