Now the guys over at Information Dissemination are coming out in agreement. Amazing. Check it out...but a tidbit....
Well no shit.It was a tough winter for us. First we lost the EFV in January, then in March of this year we released the Report of the 2010 Force Structure Review Group and in it the Corps did two big things, we'll see if they're both good. Basically, we're going from 202k to 186k, reserves still stay roughly 40k.
The only real stunning part of this story is the push to build up the MEB's. That is going to be a major league bureaucratic cluster fuck.
Just more jobs for the Generals.
We should stay with three MEBs, have them trained to operate world wide and roll with it from there. No need to setup an Army like structure of having them tasked to geographic areas.
That's NOT how the Marine Corps conducts business.