Thursday, September 01, 2011

CDR Salamander nails the J-20.

Read his post here, but I think CDR Salamander nails it when it comes to the J-20.  Many believed the J-20 to be a fighter.  Why?  Because thats what the US, and Russia are working on.  This is what Salamander says....
I don't know about you - but the J-20 looks less like a fighter and more like a penetrating attack aircraft; almost an update of the F-111 concept.

Even with allowances for Chinese technology not being as compact as Western technology (which I think is slightly a bogus argument in 2011) - that bird is big for a reason. I don't think air superiority is it.
Read the whole thing but I would bet good money that by this time next Tuesday every think tank in the US will be switching gears and following the CDR's lead.