Sunday, September 11, 2011


Is it me or does something seem off about the remembrance events that are being held around the nation with regards to the 9/11 attack?

Its not political.

Its not regional.

Its not a statement about the times that we live in (at least I don't think that it is)...but something about it seems --- not real ---- almost artificial.

I won't forget the events of that day.  I will always remember where I was when I got word of the attack.

But I also can't shake the feeling that this is more of an orchestrated rather than heartfelt occasion.

I could easily be wrong though and if I am wrong then good.  But if I'm right...


Now I know why this feels off to me.  Its because the story as we're being told it, is incomplete.  There is alot more to be said about the events of that day...there are still people AND nations that should be held accountable and we haven't done it.

What do I mean?

Check out this article from BlackFive.
The public knows who the skyjackers were but knows little about their support teams in country nor the nations which sponsored them. All of that needs to be exposed and the people involved hunted down and killed. And that trail will lead back to Saudi Arabia, the author of this religious war of terror.
Am I saying that we should declare war on Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran?  No.  Am I saying that we can't have a proper remembrance event until we're honest with ourselves about who was behind these attacks?  Yes!  We need to have an adult conversation about this and we're not even close yet.