Thursday, October 13, 2011

Time to reorganize the US Army again. Bring back Light Infantry!

The US Army reorganized in order to follow the Transformation banner back in the early 2000's.  It was the wrong move.  They decimated there light infantry formations and started to reform around the Stryker IFV.

With the US reoreinting toward the Pacific, its time for the US Army to get its head out of the sand, watch to see where the wind is blowing and realize that for a myriad of missions --- LIGHT INFANTRY MAKES SENSE!

Couple Light Fighters with Combat Aviation Brigades, USMC MEU's and Special Operations and you have a force that can deploy anywhere...especially if they partner with USAF lift in the same way that the USMC teams with the Navy.

The Army got itself into a situation where it is either a medium or heavy force.  That is not the answer.  Light Infantry should form the backbone of the force with Heavy forming the remainder.  The Stryker formations are a concept who's time has come and gone.

Light Fighters own the night!