Saturday, November 26, 2011

French Navy takes delivery of first new landing craft.

I'm not quite sure of what to make of this...seems slower than an limited to the same type beaches as an LVCP...I guess its home grown is what makes it attractive.

I could be wrong.  Anyway the French Navy just took delivery of the first boat.

On November 24, 2011 the Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA - French Procurement Agency) has taken delivery of the first fast amphibious landing craft (dubbed EDA-R for "engin de débarquement amphibie rapide"). The EDA-R offers five times the landing capacity of existing landing craft currently in service with the French Navy. The EDA-R will be used by the Marine Nationale's Mistral class LHDs.

Signed in June 2009 as part of an economy stimulus plan, the contract includes the acquisition of 4 EDA-R and their operational maintenance until mid-2015. The other three fast amphibious landing craft will be delivered by mid-2012.