Saturday, November 19, 2011

Navantia's Amphibious Shipping Portfolio...

UPDATE:  I posted this without giving credit to Ferran.  Thanks buddy.  You and a few others are keeping a big hole in what I'm trying to do from showing up...and that would be developments overseas.  Thanks again.



  1. It's telling, however, that Navantia can't do its own PDFs --to say nothing of the mangled translation--. I've been to their website several times in the last couple of years and it's, frankly, a pain in the ass.

    Some chronicles in Ejercitos magazine [an independent magazine shut down due to pressure from both industry and MoD] seem to point, also, that Navantia's engineers don't really much care from input from the user [ie, sailors].

    Mind you, I do like --a lot-- some ideas from Navantia, but I still think it should be thoroughly scrubbed clean. I do not much care about its unions, either --it's, after all, a government corp--.

    Ferran, BCN.

  2. Don't forget also the LCM-1E's that Navantia is producing, as part of their amphibious capabilities.

    RAN has signed up for 12 of them...

    (Scroll down to the bottom).


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