Friday, November 25, 2011

Pic of the day and modest proposal. Ban black gear.

U.S. Army Soldiers with the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team security force climb down from their positions during a site assessment of the Dowry Rud check dam in Spin Boldak district, Kandahar, Afghanistan, on Nov. 19, 2011. DoD photo by Senior Airman Sean Martin, U.S. Air Force. (Released)

Look at these Soldiers doing real work in Afghanistan.  Out on patrol and not at a major combat base but out and about doing Soldiers civilian comparison here.  But notice one thing.  They're all wearing multicam which is doing its job quite well and whats busting it up?  Black rifles, black admin pouches, black nvg mounts etc....

Its past time that the US Army and US Marine Corps fix the black rifle problem.

Surely Duracoat or another manufacturer can come up with a fix that's durable enough to meet military standards.

Fix real problems!

Enough of the foolishness!