Monday, November 28, 2011

Royal Marine Commandos on Exercise in British Woodland


  1. Raiders to the max! Love the Brits true light infantry, and great to be next to in a fight

  2. This is the first time I've seen the new British Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP) camo (a lightly customised official variant of Multicam) in the UK woodland. It was initially designed for the mixed 'green zone' in Afghanistan, but it seems to work well in European style woodland also. The black slashes seem to mimic small shadows well, particularly next to the shadows on tree bark.

  3. yeah...i had a chance to train with these guys. i believe it was 45 Commando at 29 palms. funny as hell and good in the field.

    simester! good info. i thought it was multi-cam but it seemed off. now i know.


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