Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NAVAIR K-Max photo release.

A new era in unmanned aviation began earlier this month when Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron 1 operated a K-MAX unmanned helicopter during its historic 90-minute flight, Dec. 17. K-MAX is the Marine's first unmanned helicopter designed for resupplying troops in remote locations. During its maiden flight, K-MAX successfully delivered about 3,500 pounds of food and supplies to troops at a forward operating base in Afghanistan without risk to a pilot.


  1. do you think they will surge these things to the front like they did in Iraq's MRAPs to save the service lives of their helos?

  2. Is it not only life what this saves, but as well PR and money.
    a)Training a pilot takes high amount of money
    b)IF they are down and taken prisoners is one of the worst PR
    c)You can keep your pilots free for missions when you really need a pilot like medivac

    Is a win win solution.

  3. totally agree. but its going to take more than the two they have deployed to make a real difference.

  4. Yeah but the two show what potential there is, show success and you open the door to more and better versions. Hope we have one helping us when I deploy is Sept time frame


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