Wednesday, January 18, 2012

11th MEU raiders fast-rope

Photo by Gunnery Sgt. Scott Dunn 
Photo by Gunnery Sgt. Scott Dunn
Photo by Cpl. Chad Pulliam
Photo by Gunnery Sgt. Scott Dunn

Photo by Gunnery Sgt. Scott Dunn
Photo by Cpl. Chad Pulliam

Photo by Cpl. Chad Pulliam

Photo by Cpl. Chad Pulliam
The Captions for the above photos is as follows:
Marines serving with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit's maritime raid force descends from a CH-46E Sea Knight hovering 35 feet above USS Makin Island here. The helicopter is flown by pilots serving with the unit's aviation combat element, Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 268 (Reinforced). The unit is currently deployed aboard the amphibious assault ship as part of the Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group, which is a U.S. Central Command theater reserve force. The group is also providing support for maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet area of responsibility.