Thursday, January 19, 2012

JOAC released. AF set to be priority service.

The JOAC has been released and although there isn't much news in it, it does reveal a surprising couple of facts...
The document focuses on striking deep and not rolling back enemy forces.  It also emphasizes leveraging our superiority in certain areas to counter act enemy attempts to use irregular warfare to disrupt our efforts.

Long story short this is a strategy that is tailor made to Air Force thinking circa Desert Storm 1.

Any thoughts that the Navy would become the lead service in this enterprise is just wishful thinking.  The Navy is mentioned but its operated on the margins.  Talk about small boats armed with IEDs, and being able to conduct anti-mine warfare are some of the items that stuck out in this document.

The Army got one blurb in....using the land forces to support this concept.

Big winner is the AF for obvious reasons.  The Navy got steam rolled and the Army/Marine Corps are set to be sidelined (if this goes forward as outlined in this paper).  Air Force one, the rest of the service 0.

JOAC Jan 2012 Signed