Sunday, January 01, 2012

No Costa/Haley Effect (CHE) but I like this holster.

New year, new gear.
Everyone else has been taken care of presents wise so it was time to treat myself.  Let me start off by saying that I carry concealed.  There are a bunch of nice holsters out there and I have a box full of them.

I guess I'm looking for perfection and have only found good enough so far.  A matter of taste, body style etc...I guess but to me more important than comfort is draw speed and retention.  That's where most of my other holsters have come short.

Small of back?

Are you freaking kidding me!  Not only do they print but its a retention nightmare if someone clocks that you're carrying concealed.

Shoulder holster?

Not if you live in the South where it can be 98 degree with 98% humidity!  A jacket is a must with those types of rigs.

Inside the waistband?

Ok, now you're getting there but at the traditional 3 o'clock position you're still easy to make.  If any bad (or good) guy knows what to look for its easy to spot.

Raven type close fit?

Only if you're at a class, the range, combat or in a real deal shit hit the fan situation.  Again, where I live you would need a jacket.

Fanny pack?

I'm not a tourist.

So what does that leave me with?  Let me remind you, comfort isn't the issue.  Retention and speed of employment is.

Easy.  It becomes a case of finding a holster for appendix carry.  I think (don't know yet case I just ordered it) that the Comp Tac 2 o'clock holster is the one for me.

Appendix carry is a retention dream.  Your weapon is in front of your hips so someone  coming from behind and "tackling" your gun is out.  With practice its the quickest to deploy (check out this vid on Teddy Medina from KitUp!).

And lastly its easy to conceal without having to worry about printing from the sides or behind.  I don't expect to have a CHE and you run go buy one because I like it, but I researched this pretty good and I don't think I went wrong.


  1. Holy shit, that video and story of Teddy Medina is incredible. I wonder how long it's gonna take until someone makes a video of it. When I read your appendage concealment I kept think of a hideaway on the lower calf. Now I see what your talking about. What about sitting down? It looks like you'd shoot your balls off in a misfire.

  2. that's really the beauty of it. if you're in shape and don't have a huge belly then its simply a matter of wearing your pants at your waist instead of on your hips which is the fashion today.

    the other issue about shooting off your balls? thats what the holster is for. i would never try it without one. any gunshot in the upper leg is going to bleed like crazy and if you're carrying the right (or wrong) ammo then you could hit your artery. long story short you could kill yourself if you're not careful.

    last thing i would say is to know your gun and practice. that's why i like the glock system of weapons.

    i carry a G26 for concealed carry. G19 for concealed/duty work and the G17 for duty.

    different sized weapons that work the same way, have controls in the same place, take the same ammo and from large to small can use the same magazines

  3. Why do I think it's like the f*cking wild west ? Jesus. Gun related deaths in 2010 per 100,000 population :

    US - 15.22
    Canada - 4.78
    UK - 0.4

    And we're debating how to conceal carry ?


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