Thursday, February 09, 2012

Army SF has an in-house sea base. They just don't know it!

The US Army has Logistic Support Vessels in house that can be used to provide a "rebirth" of the Army's amphibious operations or to provide a platform for US Army Special Forces and Rangers.

I prefer the latter.

This from Naval Technology pretty much sums up my idea.

The LSV-helicopter capable variant in service with the Philippine Navy provides concealed transport, deployment and retrieval of both helicopters and patrol boats.
Attack helicopters are concealed below a modular flight deck while patrol boats and intercept craft are behind the stern ramp. The configuration presents the appearance of a logistic supply ship without the obvious display of force.

Another lesson learned from our friends.  It would be a tremendous asset for the Special Forces and Rangers.  And it can be done today.

As far as revitalizing US Army amphibious ops, check this out from a Defense Tech story on this ships... far as the platform goes, an LSV–with its slow speed, tiny draft, mid-sized crew (a core of about 30) and long legs (5,000 miles) would be a perfect “presence” tool for Africa and the Pacific Islands. Capable of carrying the equivalent of 28 Abrams M1A tanks, the LSV can bring a lot of stuff to a lot of places.
28 Abrams ashore in one lift?

That's approaching the old LST in lift capability.  No.  That is matching the old Newport class LST in capability.

The Army and Navy signed an agreement to transfer ships...I don't recall if these were included or if it was just the JHSV's, but if they were then the Army should seek to reverse that decision and possibly base a few of these in Guam or Japan or even Hawaii.

The future is in the Pacific or in operations off Africa stretching into the Middle East.  Either way, Soldier would be well served by keeping these ships in Army hands.