Thursday, February 09, 2012

Bleeding hearts will go crazy but its no big deal.

Joe sent me this article and I have to say my first reaction was "Oh shit here we go again"...but its really no big deal.  Not if you kick back and relax a bit and don't go solid stupid.

Oh and SS in Marine talk stands for Scout Sniper.  Many will disagree but this is really no big deal.  via Yahoo.

SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Marine Corps on Thursday once again did damage control after a photograph surfaced of a sniper team in Afghanistan posing in front of a flag with a logo resembling that of the notorious Nazi SS — a special unit that murdered millions of Jews, gypsies and others.
The Corps said in a statement that using the symbol was not acceptable.
However, it was a naive mistake made by Marines who believed the SS symbol was meant to represent sniper scouts and never intended to associate themselves with a racist organization, said Maj. Gabrielle Chapin, a spokeswoman at Camp Pendleton.
The Marines in the image will not be disciplined because investigators determined there was no malicious intent, Chapin said.
Thank goodness the Marine Corps thought so too.