Monday, February 20, 2012

Cops kill another Marine. Are they scared of the scarlet and gold?

I caught this on and to be honest I missed the uproar.  

Forgive me.

Go there to read the whole story but check out this statement by the Marine's Commanding Officer.
Loggins' commanding officer, Col. Nicholas Marano, countered back with a bruising statement issued to the media: "While I am confident they will do the right thing in the end, I am less than satisfied with the official response from the City of San Clemente and Orange County. Many of the statements made concerning Manny Loggins' character over the past few days are incorrect and deeply hurtful to an already grieving family."
Col. Marano gets a big OOHRAAAH from me.

But my question to the greater community is this.  Have statements from the Dept. of Homeland Security made local police forces so afraid of service members that they're going into a shoot first mode?

It appears to me that that might be the case.

If it is then liberty instructions to the Marines here in the states need to be changed.  Vets need to be warned.  Oh and before you accuse me of being alarmist, remember that we've only seen a few of the dispatches that have been sent from DHS to local departments, not the full documents with regards to service members and vets becoming threats because of their training.

This trend of police shooting Marines is disturbing.