Friday, February 17, 2012

F-35 at Edwards AFB -- 2011 in Review


  1. Damn. I'd give my left nut for one of those Challenge Coins spinning around there at the beginning. :-(

  2. They don't have that one (coin)on ebay.

    Nicely produced video.

  3. Drake,
    Wait a week and there will be knockoffs sold in bulk on E-bay AND Amazon.
    I designed a very-limited edition patch for an extremely close-knit group on one of my projects years ago. I limited the number of patches to 2 for any one individual. I found out later that one of the few 'courtesy' patches given to someone who supported us made it into the public eye and now a**hats are selling lousy-looking copies of them all over the internet.

  4. so all the challenge coins that i have from the units i served in and a few others for other things are basically sold online now?

    that sucks. kinda makes it not special anymore. i mean i know who was there and who wasn't but it was suppose to be for us.

    man that sucks.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sometimes you can pick up the real deal. I have two I earned (CH-53K and DARPA Heliplane) and two a friend picked up for me while supporting a deployment because he knew I'd appreciate them. I'd never in a million years pretend I'd earned those other two. They're just interesting to me.

  7. I have no problems with collectors/traders of the real stuff. I have patches just given to me and like 'sferrin' just have them squirreled away as perssonal effects. What I can't stand are what amounts to low-level counterfeiters , or media types making a buck on someone else's work WHILE cheapening the 'brand'. It feels exactly like Solomon stated at first and an invasion of privacy. You really don't have much recourse unless you are willing to escalate the issue and make it even more public. In my case, I eventually just began really enjoying the fact the 'violators' have most of the story behind the patch completely wrong, and laughing my a** off when outside commentators pontificate on the 'meaning' behind the design.

  8. Back to post topic: The most interesting things to me in that video were the 'teaser' sensor video clips, the Lead Mission Systems test pilot alluding to effects of the learning curve in how the jet's systems were growing on him, and "Gigs" observations as to how the jets all 'fly the same'.

  9. me, I like the look through the plane effect. Don't know how much it's gonna be used, but man that is true 360 degree view.


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