Another reduction in force. Involuntary lay off.
Whatever you call it this is bad news for many. No matter how you slice it there will be some bitter people. There will be people that have served multiple tours outside the wire. Served in outposts and not at a big base having party nights or chasing ass.
Check this out from Bloomberg. Read the whole thing but the Marine Corps specific part is below.
I hope they're right.
Another reduction in force. Involuntary lay off.
Whatever you call it this is bad news for many. No matter how you slice it there will be some bitter people. There will be people that have served multiple tours outside the wire. Served in outposts and not at a big base having party nights or chasing ass.
Check this out from Bloomberg. Read the whole thing but the Marine Corps specific part is below.
The cuts in uniformed personnel are in keeping with proposed steps such as eliminating eight Army brigades, five Marine infantry battalions and four of the Corps’s tactical air squadrons. The Air Force would lose 303 aircraft and six fighter squadrons, while the Navy jettisons seven cruisers and 2 dock landing ships.and then this...
“In preparing this budget, we endeavored to avoid the mistakes of previous drawdowns that attempted to maintain more force structure than the budget could afford,” the department wrote in a Jan. 26 summary of its five-year priorities.
Today’s budget proposal fleshes out the cuts for each of the military branches.More than a few people have stated that they've worked this out this time and that between those that leave voluntarily and those that are substandard, there will be no disruption or hurt feelings.
Army forces would be reduced by less than 1 percent to 1,115,300 in 2013 and then drop to 1,048,200 in 2017. That’s still far greater troop strength than in February 2002, a year before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, when the Army numbered about 480,000 on active duty.
The Navy would have 1.7 percent fewer personnel, or 385,200 in 2013, and faces a reduction of 3.9 percent to a total of 376,600 people in 2017.
The Marines would be down to 236,900 in 2013, or 2 percent fewer than this year. By the end of 2017, the Marines face a reduction of 8.3 percent from this year to 221,700.The Air Force will have 501,000 personnel in 2013, or 1.9 percent fewer than this year. In 2017, Air Force personnel will decline to 499,300. (NOTE* I don't know who came up with Marine Corps end strength for this article but they jacked up beyond recognition...this reporter needs a fact check)
I hope they're right.