Friday, February 24, 2012

The lesson of Capt Rogers that the SEALs forgot.

Act of Valor starts playing today and the SEALs have been on the red carpet, had people jump from planes onto the red carpet and basically succeeded in doing an end run around the Pentagon to get this film made.

Good for them I hope they like it and the blow back they're getting/gonna get from the rest of the Special Ops community.

But being Sailors I hope they remember the case of another aggressive person that belongs to the greater naval community.

Capt Rogers.

He was the skipper of the USS Vincennes and was responsible for ordering the downing of an Iranian airliner.  He had to have FBI protection for a while because of death threats from the Iranians.  His wife had a pipe bomb go off under her van while she was on her way to work (she was a teacher and the case has never been solved---the Rogers believe it was a terrorist attack here on US soil).

They lived in fear because they were readily identifiable to an enemy that they had drawn blood from. 

Hopefully the SEALs have properly planned.

Hopefully the worst that will come of this will be criticism from me and others.  

Hopefully no one is reading their playbook that they're posting for all to see.

Hopefully no one is smart enough to go to Coronado and identify SEALs, follow them home and do harm to their families.

Hopefully the retired founder of SOCOM is wrong and the enemy won't be waiting for them the next time they OR other special ops teams go into action.

Hopefully someone has some type of Force Protection Plan in place for these hot dogs.
