The USAF is retiring a batch of A-10's.
SOCOM needs robust air support.
My modest proposal? SOCOM takes on a squadron or two of A-10's!
If SOCOM is going to take back missions it once performed (training foreign troops for example), if they're going to be used in lieu of conventional forces (meaning that they will take on missions once reserved for conventionals) then perhaps they need a squadron of dedicated close air support.
Not the ineffectual support provided by UAVs but the robust support provided by A-10's. The A-10 can provide air support, escort of the helicopters and can provide eyes on target with the latest upgraded model.
This is really a no brainer. SOCOM would be better served by the A-10 than with a A-29.
the ones they are retiring are the ones that are the most broken down and worn out. Part of the savings gained by retiring them is from not having to make them good enough to last until 2028. The ones that are being kept are getting/already have the 'Hog Up' mods which will ensure the birds that receie it can last until the 2028 timeframe. The 'Hog Up' program fixes a rapidly deteriorating wing among other structural problems and adds precision strike capabilities. So while there will be fewer of them to overwatch proportionally fewer ground forces, the ones left in service will be a better weapon system as well.