Wednesday, February 08, 2012

SEAL Blowback part two.

Thanks to my bud USS Helm for sending me this link.  This is getting good!   When you have a retired Special Ops General tell an active duty Special Ops Admiral that he's in the media too much then you're seeing a real culture clash.  Something tells me that it isn't necessarily between generations of Special Ops warriors either...this feels more like a clash between SEALs and the rest of the Special Ops community.  Buckle up tight guys!  Even if it never makes it to the public, I'd bet body parts that I highly cherish, that this thing is coming to a head.  And if I were a betting man then I'd have to say that it will be the US Army Special Forces that leads the charge to get the SEALs to shut the fuck up!

via Yahoo.  Go there to read the whole thing but the good bits are below.
Since the time when your wonderful team went and drug bin Laden out and got rid of him, and more recently when you went down and rescued the group in Somalia, or wherever the hell they were, they've been splashing all of this all over the media," Vaught, 85, said. "I flat don't understand that.
"Now back when my special operators extracted Saddam [Hussein] from the hole, we didn't say one damn word about it," he continued. "We turned him over to the local commander and told him to claim that his forces drug him out of the hole, and he did so. And we just faded away and kept our mouth shut.
"Now I'm going to tell you, one of these days, if you keep publishing how you do this, the other guy's going to be there ready for you, and you're going to fly in and he's going to shoot down every damn helicopter and kill every one of your SEALs. Now, watch it happen. Mark my words. Get the hell out of the media," he concluded, as laughter broke out at a meeting of the National Defense Industrial Association in Washington, D.C.

I said the exact same thing a couple of days ago. 

Oh and to the media that broke out in laughter.