Wednesday, March 21, 2012

25th CAB Pathfinders

Sgt. Kaylub Divine, A Team leader, F Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, designates a sector of security to Pfc. Samuel Corsolini, a gunner with F Company, 2-25 AVN, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, during Operation Pranoo Verbena in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 16.  Photo by Sgt. Daniel Schroeder

Pfc. Bryce Sterling, a rifleman with F Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, keeps a watchful eye during a search mission with members of 2nd Afghan National Civil Order Patrol Special Weapons and Tactics Team as part of Operation Pranoo Verbena in order to disrupt Taliban operations in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 16.  Photo by Sgt. Daniel Schroeder 

Pfc. Samuel Corsolini, a gunner assigned to F Company, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, pulls security for members of 2nd Afghan National Civil Order Patrol Special Weapons and Tactics Team during a vehicle interdiction as part of Operation Pranoo Verbena in order to disrupt Taliban operations in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, March 16.
25th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs
Photo by Sgt. Daniel Schroeder
There are many more pics but they contain ANA personnel in them.  My choice, right or wrong is to not include them on these pages.  My decision.