Wednesday, March 28, 2012

African nations continue to buy....

I think that if we read between the lines, we can see the Obama administration mollifying the Brazilian's by probably (I emphasize that this is pure speculation) purchasing Super Tucano's for 3 African nations. 

Next flashpoint will be Africa.  If you thought the Middle East has been a wild ride, then just wait.  IF we end up fighting in Africa then you're going to see stuff that will shock and horrify. 

via DefesaGlobal.
Brazil´s Embraer Defense & Security has signed contracts with three African states for the acquisition of A-29 Super Tucano light attack and advanced training aircraft.
The Burkina Faso Air Force has already received three aircraft that are used on border patrol missions. The Angola Air Force will receive the first three of six aircraft in 2012 while Mauritania´s Air Force will receive undisclosed quantities.
The total value of the contracts including an extensive logistical, training, and replacement parts package are worth more than US$ 180 million