Are you a Gear Head or a Gear Whore.
A Gear Head goes after the best gear at the best price possible. A Gear Whore buys the latest, trendiest items out there no matter the cost. In essence he plays follow the leader.
You know the type of guy who's all into the CHE (Costa-Haley Effect) method of gear buying. If Costa or Haley has it...If Special Ops has it...then he must too.
Well I'm a Gear Head and I like value for my money. Because I want the best bang for my buck I'm not impressed by names. Names like SureFire.
Yeah they were good back in the day but they've fallen behind other makers...both in quality, capability and price. The Eagle Tac is just one example in the flashlight realm. Read a great review of the product over at "Jerking the Trigger."