Sunday, March 18, 2012

Black Buck Raid...

I received an e-mail from Sharkey Ward (famed pilot of Falkland Island fame and blogger at the Pheonix Think Tank) and he is going full bore after the Royal Air Force and an upcoming documentary about the Black Buck raid.

I did a little hasty research and I hope that the RAF isn't going to paint the raids as a success.  Men put their lives on the line so I won't label them a failure but they did not achieve stated goals and unfortunately it appears that the 'powers that be' in the air service was merely looking for a way to get its forces into the fight.

All that being said, I'm trying to reach Sharkey so that I can print his summary on the raid.  Trust me, its fascinating reading and gives an insight into the thinking that goes on in the upper reaches of the British military (but I'm positive that the same thinking exists in any military in the free world).

The Falklands War.  30 years later and it still burns bright for the Brits.


That means they still have a martial mindset.

Personally I'm relieved.