Saturday, March 17, 2012

Damn. Norwegian C-130 Crew presumed dead.

RAF sent me an update on the search for survivors (thanks man...even though the news sucks)...

Like the title says, the crew is presumed dead. (google translated)...
Rescue personnel have found body parts at the crash site in Kebnekaise, police said at a press conference on Saturday night in Nikkaluokta. Rescue Service has suspended sökarbetet and relatives have been informed.
- At 17.30 the police decided that the rescue operation should be stopped. The decision was taken in consultation with the Norwegian authorities. The relatives are also informed about this, said Norrbotten police spokesman Borje Ohman at the press conference.
The missing Norwegian Hercules aircraft will have exploded, police said. The explosion occurred when the plane hit the mountain wall and triggered an avalanche. It was in the avalanche area which body parts were found.
Prayers for the family and the crew.