Saturday, March 24, 2012

General Dynamics....the snake in the room...

A good look at the General Dynamics website revealed some interesting things...

Who is making the Ocelot vehicle here in the States and offering it to the US Military?

Who bought the Jamma Internally Transportable Vehicle and is offering it to the USAF Special Ops?

Who is the only maker of a NBC detection vehicle?  And lastly...who has an Amphibious Combat Vehicle Center of Excellence that's been recognized by the US military at the end of 2011??

General Dynamics.

I wondered why all the vehicle manufacturers have been so tight lipped when it came to their products being produced for the upcoming Marine Corps competitions and now I know.

They're (BAE and Lockheed Martin and now ST Kinetics..) facing a formidable foe that already has its tentacles deep into the US military...When it comes to ground combat vehicles they're well placed

That's enough to explain the caution I see from those firms.

Time to see if General Dynamics will give up some info on the ACV, AAV upgrades and exactly what vehicle they're going to offer for the MPC competition.

Stay tuned guys...this will be cut throat...probably end in a price shootout and MIGHT feature a bit of industrial espionage.

This is gonna be good!