Wednesday, March 28, 2012

JLTV. Still only 3 competitors.

Not much to say on this.

After all the lead up.

After all the effort to get more companies to compete in the JLTV competition...we're still down to only 3 viable solutions.

In my opinion only Lockheed Martin, BAE and General Tactical Vehicles are viable solutions.  Either one of these offerings will work.

So we're back to another price shootout.

The Pentagon better hope that manufacturers don't catch on to the game they're playing.  If they do then the troops will be riding bicycles into combat because gold platted systems (that get added on to) with a pauper's paycheck don't mix.

AM General BRV-O...looks like a HUMVEE Upgrade to me....

OshKosh L-ATV...


My buddy CB challenged me in the comments and stated that the other competitors were worthy and that I shouldn't dismiss them.

I included the links above so that you could evaluate them for yourself.  I smell the stench of Army procurement woes creeping into this program.  Instead of a separate HUMVEE upgrade and JLTV program, it looks like we're seeing programs merge...much like the GCV and M-113 replacement comp is.