Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Let me clarify my stance on SOCOM.

I've been getting e-mails to lay off the SOCOM.

Maybe.  But lets be clear about more than a couple of things.

1.  Yes, I'm going to repeat myself.  SOCOM is as large as 3 Army Divisions.  Yet they still leverage support from the conventional forces, have a budget that is beyond massive (the part we can see) and we don't know how large the part we can't see is.

2.  We see enormous duplications in capabilities and mission sets.  The Rangers are the Army's raiders...enlarge them.  The Special Forces are the premier trainers.  If they're taking back that mission from conventional forces then enlarge them.  But as for the rest of SOCOM?  It just doesn't make sense.

3.  SEALs have been in the news far too much.  Quiet Professionals?  You're shitting me right?

4.  MARSOC is seeking to enlarge itself from Regimental strength to only God knows what.  If the Marine Corps shrinks to 150,000 then you'll see MARSOC absorbing a tremendous number of available boatspaces...all to follow a vision that is no longer viable...additionally it duplicates both Rangers and SEAL mission sets.  Force Recon being assigned to MEU's is a much better use of those assets.

I'm not anti-SOCOM but SOCOM is busted and needs better leadership.  The SEAL BullFrog in charge right now is the wrong man at the wrong time.  Glory seekers and bureaucracy builders are not whats needed in that organization.  Quiet Professionals are.

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