Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nigel "Sharkey" Ward wants F/A-18's instead of F-35's!


Holy Position Reversal Batman!

Sharkey Ward (famed fighter pilot) has written a paper in which he has gone from being a supporter of the F-35 and is now wanting F/A-18's instead.

The dynamics of the power struggle between the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy are hard to make out on this side of the Atlantic but if Sharkey is even half right in his accusations against the RAF then the UK military is in a world of trouble.

While on the surface this might not seem like a big deal, trust me it is.  Ward is a trusted voice in British military affairs and although some would like to dismiss him, 3 kills in the Falklands War and a reputation as being a maverick marks him as a force to be reckoned with.

If Sharkey has turned on the F-35 then its not a good day for the program. My problem is that his reasoning seems to be based purely on politics and not the performance of the airplane.

Read it for yourself...
120320 - The Multi-Role Fighter for Britain's Future Naval Air Force