Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ops-Core vs. Artist dust up....

via Soldier Systems...
Ultimately, the Boston Globe story, “At Fort Point studios, artists feel betrayed” is really just gasoline on a fire. It doesn’t solve anything but rather fans the flames of discontent. Furthermore, it fails to mention the impact of the Ops-Core closure. 80 employees are collecting unemployment and it has caused a hiccup in the assembly of helmets. Finally, I doubt but few of the tenants have considered their actions. If Ops-Core leaves, it may well result in the closure of the facility altogether. Assuming that much of a loan would require guaranteed income. While there are numerous tenants at Midway Studios, it is doubtful that they would band together and form the business entity required to acquire the building and manage it. After all, they’re artists, if they wanted to manage real estate portfolios they wouldn’t be living in rent controlled spaces.
Overall, it’s a lot of venting, and posturing and well, “Occupy Ops-Core.” In the end, the artist tenants turn their outrage elsewhere. Hopefully, it will be before any more damage is done.
Go to their site to read the whole story and you might want to page back and read some of their previous coverage of this 'controversy'.

Personally I don't understand the actions of either side.  The artist are just some spoiled brats in my opinion but Ops-Core is dealing with the issue in an unusual way too.

They're a multi-million dollar company.  Its a down economy.  They could easily find any number of locations to move to and be welcomed with open arms.

Its got to be a "style" issue with the ownership.  Perhaps its the trendy place to live and work and that's what he's after. 

Either way this seems like a tempest in a tea pot.  A minor issue that is made up and should be easily solved.

Still for a Sunday afternoon, its pretty interesting.