Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rocket Attacks...

Terrorists in the Gaza Strip have fired more than 300 rockets since this Friday, striking major population centers in southern Israel. More than one million Israelis are under the threat of rocket fire.
Combat soldiers and emergency instructors of the Home Front Command spread throughout the country, explaining citizens how to act in case of rocket attacks.
Pictured above are soldiers of the Search and Rescue unit, explaining the workers of a local furniture store on how to stay safe in case of a rocket attack on their place of work.

The US public is so easily deceived its beyond funny.  Its pathetic.

While everyone is watching a madman in Afghanistan.  A madman that went on a shooting rampage, perhaps because of brain damage after one of his many tours, the debate is over whether we should pull out at an accelerated rate or if we should stay the course.

The answer to that is obvious.  The war part of this "conflict" was over with a long time ago.  The only thing NATO is doing now is nation building.  

In Afghanistan that's a fools errand.

The real story is what's happening in Israel.  The Palestinian's are launching a savage rocket attack.  The Israeli's are launching punitive air strikes.

Between the Arab Spring, Arab Winter, the War in Libya, the Civil War in Syria and now the battle between the Israeli's and Palestinian's....

We're in for a rough ride.


  1. sol, i understand where your coming from here but when you say "The war part of this "conflict" was over with a long time ago.", i would argue the war part never ended, yes we took the taliban from power, we set up a government, etc, but lets call these (Iraq and Afghanistan) what they are, the are wars. No political BS about police actions, stabilization, trainers, etc. We do that stuff there, but its a war none the less, just like Korea and Vietnam, all wars but name. just my opinion and dont want to seem too nit picky but this is one reason we have mucked things up. Usually when wars are going on we ask American people to sacrifice something, slightly higher taxes or whatever, its the nation that goes to war, here we are sanitizing the American public from these wars, and thats what has hurt so many soldiers, we dont want to bring the American people into helping, and to have an open discussion. We have alot of Politicians griping on both sides of the aisle bu no real national discussion about it.

    OK my rant for the day (and its only 2 AM), i am on a roll! :)

  2. you're wrong Joe.

    if its a war then its a civil war and if its a civil war then no outside power can impose a peace through military force.

    if you take a serious look at what US and allied forces are doing then what you see is peace projects and training.

    the people that we're at so called war against are the people of Afghanistan. they just want a different form of govenment than we do.

    time to leave.

  3. About the israeli situation, note that Israel is also using it's Iron Dome system to maximum efficiency, with a 80 to 90% interception rate on threatening rockets in the protected areas, also providing a huge amount of data on rocket interception, more than has ever been gathered by any power, although at a cost of some 30 000$/destroyed rocket... At the same time the palestinian are getting bombed without any mean to intercept incoming fire...

  4. great points but go beyond the weapons analysis and look at the region. the Syrians are tearing there country apart. Afghanistan is still a mess, Egypt is a mess and everyone is scared that Iran is about to be a war ground for the West. the western allies are getting deeper into the quagmire that is Africa, Libya might go to AQ and Pakistan is anyone's guess.

    things are bad and no one has a handle on it.


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