Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thomas Jefferson was right.

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.
Thomas Jefferson

Seems like the old timers were right.

At least if they're named Thomas Jefferson.

Everywhere we look it appears that a strange mixture of staunch Liberals and Neo-Conservatives (think John McCain and his camp follower from S.C.) want us involved in every conflict world wide.

The Obama Administration hasn't made it any easier with a policy that's confusing at best, contradictory at worst.  Libya was ok, Syria not ok.  In Libya we interviened because of the THREAT of violence against his country's population, in Syria we won't even though thousands have been killed.

Don't get me wrong.  I don't like the idea of children being used in war.  I don't understand the religious dynamic here (although from my limited reading, it makes sense that African Christians would finally start fighting back) and I sure don't under stand the political/social workings either.

Which makes Jefferson's warning even more applicable.  If we involve ourselves even in humanitarian endeavors we have embarked on an entangling alliance.

Syria, Uganda, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq...entanglements that provide us no advantages and only serve to drain our resources and manpower.

Time to leave these countries to their own devices.  If they survive and if they are worthy then we can become friends.  If not then God help them because we won't.


I give it a year and we'll see Special Ops having to try another raid to rescue some misguided souls from the US that think that they have to fly halfway around the world to help their fellow man.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Lots of work to be done right here in the good ole' USA.  But like I said.  By the end of the year we'll have to send in SOCOM to rescue some wayward soul.


Looks like my instincts were correct.  I don't agree with some of this young ladies characterizations but I agree with her premise that this stop KONY 2012 is bullshit.  Someone is trying to make a buck.  This is craziness.  Long story short.  Lets stay out of other peoples affairs.



  1. what do you think of clan destined stuff? i am OK with CIA providing weapons, intel and stuff to insurgent groups to an extent. why not give the CIA a bit more of this work.

  2. not ok with it.

    because you're always attempting to shape another country and people to fit the US view of things.

    i'm of the belief that half the world is just fucked up and we can't deal with them. one fourth is crazy but we can get along with ok and the last fourth are friends that we should be friends with.

    i don't want our CIA messing with little piss ant countries that can't do us harm. only go after those that pose a threat.

  3. well my concern is when destabilizing countries we are giving freedom for terror groups to stand up, also regimes that will give weapons to terror groups, while hussein was a tyrant it wasnt a good terror place, we need a way to stop terror around the world, i like the UAV's taking out terror targets. i do see your view though, its complicated as hell.

  4. that's a mission for a carrier air wing. find a terrorist camp, bomb a terrorist camp. why play SOCOM games with them?

    why nation build.

    just bomb the fuckers and be done with it.

  5. that i am good with, couldnt that be a good mission for the x47? does it have the legs to strike in afghanistan from pakistan?

  6. Pakistan.

    another country i'm done with. i say we get out the way and let India do what needs to be done. it'll probably result in a regional nuclear war but India will survive and the idiots in pakistan will no longer bother the rest of the planet.

    that's perhaps too harsh but i'm tired of the double dealing.


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