Sunday, March 18, 2012

Time for the big deck amphibs to get cold....

Ice cold that is.  

Major tip to THINK DEFENSE for the link to the pics below....

When the USMC had the mission of reinforcing the northern tip of NATO in the event of war with the Soviet Union, I've seen the pics of amphibs operating in cold conditions.  Heck, I've even seen the pics of our carriers operating in this type environment.

Could we do it today???? I'm not so sure.

The USMC and Navy haven't done arctic or cold weather flight ops in years (at least to my knowledge) and operations in the Pacific WILL include areas of extreme cold.  Even operations off the coast of Korea can include conditions approaching what you see above.

I'm more convinced than ever that we need to get back to basics.

Time to get hard again.

Train where we might work, drop the worship of SpecOps and make the MEU the corner stone of Marine Corps operations.

And that boys and girls means being able to operate in 'every clime and place'.  If the Brits can do it so can we.