Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why is the US Navy so desperate to sell the F-35C to the RN???

Reports have surfaced that the Ministry of Defense in the UK is vacillating between buying the F-35B and F-35C.  Proponents of the both airplanes have been very vocal in their support of their particular airplane.

Critics of course have been heard too.  Those "flat earthers" want the Royal Navy to buy a non-stealth airplane.  Doesn't matter which one as long as it isn't the F-35.

But check out these photos from the potential F-35B customers worldwide.  Make note of all the LHA's that are being developed/constructed/planned in the pacific region.  Understand that this list isn't complete either.  Singapore has announced that its working on the Endurance 1600, an LHA class warship.

The US Navy is realizing too late that its concept of operation----the big deck carrier is facing a period of transformation.  The F-35B will outsell the F-35C.

Cavour Class Carrier.
22 DDH- Japan.
16 DDH - Japan.
Juan Carlos - Spain & Australia.
Dokdo Class - S. Korea.
And that of course doesn't include the 11 US Marine Corps LHA's/LHD's that will be as capable as many countries aircraft carriers..

Many slam the concept of STOVL operations but the evidence is clear.  

Expeditionary operations coupled with cost savings make it essential.

We might be witnessing the opening rounds of the end of the super carrier.